How to Use a SMART Board Without a Projector

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SMART Board displays and software and ELMO document cameras offer increased flexibility when giving presentations in educational and business settings. To use a Smartboard, start by hooking it up to a computer and projector, opening Smartboard Notebook on your computer, and logging in. Smartboards are a great tool to keep your audience alert and interested in your presentation! Connect your computer to your projector, if you have not already done so.

Most schools and businesses will install it for you, but you can also install it yourself. Surface 2 does however come with a Remote Desktop Client, so in theory you could remotely access a machine connected to the Smartboard and control it via that. Typically, this involves connecting a projector cord into the video port on your computer and then connecting the other end to a port on the projector, but you'll need to follow the instructions for your type of projector in order to install it correctly.

How to Hook Up Elmo to the Smart Board - Many educators find the SMART Board difficult to set up, even more difficult to troubleshoot, and nearly impossible to use with any device that is not designed specifically with the SMART Board in mind. Go to the Smartboard Notebook on your computer.

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Connecting your SMART Board
It will automatically save the file in your Hook up smart board on the computer. Install SMART board software onto your computer to save the notes you take on your whiteboard and use other interactive features of the whiteboard without a projector. Turn on your Smartboard and log in. When you want to interact with the screen, use your jesus on it to tap, double-tap, or drag and drop the same way you would with a mouse. Use the Smartboard pens to write. Connect your Smartboard to a computer. Use the eraser to erase any mistakes. Use Notebook to open the Internet, Powerpoint, or custodes on the Smartboard. To link it to your Smartboard, open Notebook, then select the Projector option from the drop-down box. Smartboards are a great tool to keep your audience alert and interested in your presentation. For instance, tactile learners can touch and write on the tout, while visual learners can observe the projections and other visual elements. Pick one up and hold it up to the board.